Customer's Satisfaction

Recognized as “Supplier with Best Improvement” by Bosch Power Tools Purchasing

Recognized as “Supplier With Best Overall Performance” by Bosch Power Tools Purchasing Asia Pacific

SME 100 Award (Fast Moving Company)

Successful completion of Lean Award “Bosch Supplier Development Program Phase 1

Winner of “The 10th Asia Pacific Entrepreneur Excellence Award

Awarded from Bosch Completed Phase 1 Supplier Learning Group

Winner of The 10th Asia Pacific International Honesty Enterprise – KERIS Award

Winner of “The 10th Malaysia 100 Outstanding SMEs Golden Bull Award”

Preferred Supplier of the Bosch Group

Recognized as “Preferred Supplier of the Bosch Group 2015” by Bosch

Recognized as “Good Business Partner Appreciation Award 2015” by Panasonic Appliance Air Conditioning Malaysia

Recognized as “innovation Asia Pacific 2017 supplier day” by Bosch

Appreciation Award by Global Procurement Division HiKoki Holdings Co. Ltd.

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Satisfaction

ISO 9001:2015

ISO 14001:2015